Maintaining an efficient and sustainable supplier network is one of the decisive factors behind Grupo Antolin’s growth. The company involves its entire supply chain in the commitments and policies that have made it a benchmark for good governance within the sector.
Defines the commercial relationships between Grupo Antolin and its suppliers and ensures that those who form part of its supply chain meet the standards required by the company. The supplier must accept this document in order to be classified as “active” on the company’s supplier panel. The supplier also guarantees compliance with the supplier manual by its own employees.
Extends the values, policies and processes governing Grupo Antolin’s activity to the suppliers with whom it works. This document forms part of the company’s comprehensive sustainability policy and guarantees its commitment not only to the current national and international legislation, but also to the universal declaration of human rights, the conventions of the international labor organization (ILO), the Guidelines of the organization for economic cooperation and development (OECD) and the principles contained in the united nations Global compact. It is also mandatory for the employees of Grupo Antolin’s suppliers.
Ensures that the supply chain has access to reliable, up-to-date and standardized information. Thanks to this portal, Grupo Antolin’s customers can find details of suppliers in relation to the esG criteria, which provides added value in terms of meeting their own sustainability requirements.
This evaluates the position of the supply chain in terms of sustainability, thus allowing the company to identify, measure and manage risks related to esG criteria present throughout the supply chain. These sustainability criteria follow the recommendations defined by the original equipment Manufacturers (OEM), which are in turn driven by the main global initiatives in the sector on matters of sustainability: drive sustainability and automotive industry action Group (AIAG).
Thanks to the results of the assessment questionnaires, Grupo Antolin can identify the global ESG risks in its supply chain, as well as those specific to each supplier.
For Grupo Antolin, ensuring the strictest respect for Human Rights at all points of the supply chain is an absolute priority. The main risk in this regard is in the extraction, trading, handling and exporting of minerals from conflict-affected or high-risk areas. Grupo Antolin has its Conflict Minerals Policy, which explicitly includes its commitment to work only with companies that share Grupo Antolin's respect for human rights, business ethics, fair and respectful working conditions and environmental responsibility. In addition, Grupo Antolin applies the steps established by the OECD to develop due diligence in the responsible sourcing of minerals.